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Q: You dont have monthly period after sex?
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What is the nutural method of family planning by concerning the monthly period dates?

having sex two days before and five days after monthly period

Can you get pregnant eve if you didn't get your period?

No, if you did not have sex than no chances of getting pregnant. But if you had sex than there might be chances, or it might be delayed period.

What happens if a bride has her period?

She can put a tampon, and if she and he dont want to have sex during period they can wait.

Can you have unprotected sex on your period?

no you still have to be protected. i cant remember but the monthly ovulation cycle either makes you most fertile or the least fertile when your on your period.... jenny x

Why do you get your perod?

you get your period because when you have sex your period helps you so you can have a baby so if you dont have sex and you have your period all the stuff that helps you have a baby goes out your vagina its blood and other fluids and all that other stuff.

If you had unprotected sex and then got your period the following morning is there a chance you could become pregnant?

---- ====== ====== well there could be bleeding during or just after having sex. but make sure to do the math in your head and make sure its not just your annual monthly period. === ===

What does lev15-19-24 mean?

According to Leviticus 15: 19-24, the chapter deals with having sex with a woman while she is having her monthly period cycle. In 19, it asks for a woman to stay away from a man till she is over with her cycle. In 24 it directs a man to abstain from sex as the woman is having period, and he will remain unclean for 7 days if he has sex with her during her monthly cycle.

What types of sex are allowed after marriage in Islam?

ِall types of sex within licit marriage are allowed in Islam between wife and husband except intercourse sex during wife menstruation (monthly period) and except anal sex.

What does Islam say about sex during menstruation?

Intercourse sex during wife menstruation (monthly period) is strictly forbidden and is sinful. However, oral sex as kissing and touching wife nipples or husband penis could be allowed.

What does it mean when you dont get your period but you are having safe sex?

Did the condom break or leak? If so, you could be pregnant!

Why are you not having your period and you are a virgin?

You dont have to be a virgin or have sex to be on youre period, some girls dont start their periods till the age of 18 maybe higher, just got to be patient and wait for them to start

Can you have doggystyle in as Muslim?

Yes, you can practice doggy-style intercourse sex as Muslim but on conditions:limited between wife and husband who are licitly marriedanal sex is strictly forbiddenno intercourse sex during wife menstruation (monthly period)to have mutual acceptance and enjoyment.