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Intercourse sex during wife menstruation (monthly period) is strictly forbidden and is sinful. However, oral sex as kissing and touching wife nipples or husband penis could be allowed.

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Q: What does Islam say about sex during menstruation?
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What types of sex are allowed after marriage in Islam?

ِall types of sex within licit marriage are allowed in Islam between wife and husband except intercourse sex during wife menstruation (monthly period) and except anal sex.

Is sexual hand practise allowed in Islam?

Yes, Muslims are allowed to practice sex (oral and/or intercourse sex) but only within licit marriage and in private. They are not allowed to practice:sex outside licit marriageanal sexsex during wife menstruation (or monthly period)sex in publichomosexuality

Is menstruation forbidden in islam?

Yes Allah s.w.t. said that a woman can not pray when menstruating and she may not touch the Quran unless she is teaching and until she is clean. When her menstruation period is over she must take a shower and go back into the religion of Islam.

What are Muslim women exempted of when during their periods?

They are exempted of praying and holding or reading the Quran. They are exempted also from fasting. The days not fasted by women during Ramdan when on their period (menstruation) should be compensated for after the month of Ramadan when available. Also intercourse sex with wife during her menstruation (Period) is forbidden in Islam.

Is it allowed in Islam to sex in woman legs due to bad health of woman?

yes, but only between wife and husband who are licitly married and the two partner acceptance and enjoyment. Anal sex is forbidden. sex during wife menstruation is forbidden.

Can sex during period cause ganorrhea?

No, sex during menstruation does not cause gonorrhea. Gonorrhea is an STD, it would be transmitted via sex.

Is there a chance to get pregnant 4 days after the menstruation?

you can get pregnant at anytime if you have sex(even during menstruation or even if you use "protection").

What are Islamic beliefs on sex?

Muslims have sex as all other people but subject to rules and regulations; e.g.practicing sex is limited to wife and husband who are licitly married per Islam teachingsno sex practicing in publicanal sex is forbiddensex during menstruation is strictly forbiddenoral sex is allowed between wife and husband but to satisfaction, acceptance, and enjoyment of both husband and wife.

Is men allowed to discharge on the woman body in Islam?

Nothing; per Islam religion rules; explicitly allows or forbids discharging on the woman body during intercourse sex process. Generally all kinds of sex (oral or intercourse sex) are allowed between husband and wife who are licitly married per Islam religion rules; on the following conditions:Anal sex is forbiddensex during wife menstruation (monthly period) is forbiddenAll sexual acts and positions should be to pleasure, satisfaction, acceptance of both husband and wife.

How do you do intercourse with his wife according to Islam?

Intercourse per Islam religion is subject to four main rules:It should be only between husband and wife who are licitly marriedIt should be to the satisfaction, acceptance, and enjoyment of both wife and husbandit is forbidden to approach wife during her menstruation (monthly period)It is not allowed to perform intercourse through penis insertion in the anus of the wife.

In Islam can you sex during period?

Except a few restrictions of having sex during menstruation and anal sex, Islam advocates pleasure from sex between husband and wife. As Qur'an states: "They ask you concerning menstruation. Say: That is an adha (a harmful thing for a husband to have sexual intercourse with his wife while she is having her menses), therefore keep away from women during menses and go not unto them until they have purified (from menses and taken a bath)… go to them from where God has enjoined you. Indeed, God loves those who constantly repent and keep themselves clean. These women of yours are your cultivated land; go, then, into your lands in any manner you please [and through this] plan for the future [of both this and the next world] and remain fearful of God. Bear in mind that you shall meet Him [one day]. And [O Prophet] Give good tidings [of success and salvation] to the believers [on that Day]. " -Qur'an, [Qur'an 2:222] The scholars of Islam explained that keeping away and not approaching means that there should be no intercourse during that period. Muhammad used to kiss his wives when they had menses. The husband may enjoy (sexual activity) other than intercourse, because of the hadeeth of Anas who said that among the Jews, when a woman had her menses they would not eat with her or stay in the same house with her. The Companions of Muhammad asked him about this, and Allaah revealed the aayah, "They ask you concerning menstruation. Say: That is an adha (a harmful thing for a husband to have sexual intercourse with his wife while she is having her menses), therefore keep away from women during menses." [al-Baqarah 2:222]. They are, however, supposed to work during their period:

What does Islam say about eating sperm?

Islam allow oral sex but not if the woman is menstruating.