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This could happen if you missed a dose and did not remember to take the dose. This could also happen when there is an imbalance in your hormones due to puberty or other health issues. Continue taking the Birth Control as prescribed by your doctor and talk with your doctor if this happens more often. You may have breakthrough bleeding, which could be a side-effect of your specific birth control pill. You may consider changing to a different brand of pill or consider using alternative methods of birth control if this breakthrough bleeding is disrupting your daily life.

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Q: Why would you started your period before you are suppose while on the pill?
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Is it safe to stop birth control when period exist?

You are suppose to be off of the pill while you have your period. The pills you take during your period are only sugar and do nothing.

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It's easiest for you and your health care provider to have the IUD inserted during your period.

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What if you have had discharge for a while and haven't started your period? Exactly!You're supposed to have discharge all the time starting from entering puberty, menarche occurs within four years of puberty. All this means is that you haven't started your period yet, that's all.

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Most people have a last period before they are pregnant. Some even have a period while they are pregnant.

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you do it before your period.. while ovulating.

If you started birth control patch three weeks after your period When will you get your next period?

u will most likely to get your period while on the patch which is not good for u.

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A period should come before the footnote at the end of a sentence, while a comma should not.

Is it normal to have little blood for period?

Yes, it is normal to have little blood for a period. Just recently I experienced all the symptoms before my period actually started and once it started I only shedded about a tablespoon of blood. You should also consider your age as well as health while determing this factor. To be absolutely safe you should contact your Gynecologist for the most accurate answer.

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The time that cramps start vary with everyone. Some get them days before their period while others get them the day of their period.

Is it normal for boys to be tired after kissing for long period of time?

Yeah I suppose it would tire your mouth out after kissing for a while. Don't worry about it!

Should you start taking your birth control while on your period?

Depends. If you just got your birth control and you have never had it before.. What you do is take it the Sunday after your period. For example. You started on a Monday. You ended on a Thursday. You take your birth control that Sunday. If you have taken birth control before.. Yes, you take it. Whether you are on or off.

You started your pill the Sunday that you started your period you had your period for 2 weeks on the following Sunday you forgot to take your pill and your boyfriend got off inside you could you be pr?

yes. you have to be taking the pill in advance ( 3 months) before you have intercourse. even when taking the pill for a while, there will always be the slight chance of getting pregnant.