Go to the doctor.
Most women wait until their period is overdue. They don't take a test before their period. Why waste money on a test when you don't suspect that you're pregnant?
you might be pregnant; or it might not be regular. wait a wk. and then take a test. (:
I dont think you can tell that your pregnant until your period due date or not. Wait 3-5 days and if you havent had your period after your due date, ask your doctor.
Wait a few days more, or take another test.
It's not uncommon for a period to skip a few days or even a month. If it comes to 2 months though, see a doctor. If you think you might be pregnant, take a test.
Females do not get pregnant during their menstrual period. They get pregnant during ovulation. There are many reasons that your period could be late. Stress is one. If your still not happy wait a few more days and if you still don't have it go and see your doctor. He will perform a test and get rid of all your worries.
Its possible. You also could have gotten pregnant right before you period so you should wait a week then take a test.
the test. Wait until the day of your period or the days after and retest.
it could take up to 2 months to know weather you are pregnant or not..or if you miss your expected period then your most likey pregnant..but your period could be just a few days late so wait a week and still nothing i would say your pregnant
6 days is nothing. Wait 4 weeks.