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Many people take ecstacy for many reasons.

You should read about ecstacy, starting with the wikipedia entry on ecstacy. Please don't just read government/anti-ecstacy websites.

After you've learned about ecstacy (MDMA), you should take to your husband about why he took / takes ecstacy, and try to have an open mind.

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Is ecstasy dangerous if my husband takes it three months before i get pregnant?

Probably not. Ecstasy clears the system within a week.

Can you take ecstasy when you are on other medications?

I would be really careful. Ecstasy can do a lot of damage to your body if its not ready for it. I would avoid pain killers and xanex at all costs.If you take anti-depressants the effects of ecstasy will be little to none as they block seratonin levels from flowing like they are supposed to.

What happens if you take 20 ecstasy pills at one time?

you would probably die

Can you take ecstasy and acid?

That, my friend, would be called candy flipping. Yes, you CAN take ecstasy and acid, and yes, it IS fun! :D

How do you take pure ecstasy?

How do you breathe? Answer: you breathe How do you tell a joke? Answer: you tell a joke How do you stand on your head and eat carrots? Answer: you stand on your head and eat carrots. How do you take pure ecstasy? Answer: you take pure ecstasy. Actually, you don't. And I sincerely hope you are not going for ecstasy. Because that would be as inane as standing on one's head to eat carrots, except with the carrots you won't end up dead.

Can you take ecstasy while on your period?

Whoever you are, you should not be taking ecstasy, no matter when.

Is it safe to take ecstasy with a history of ulcers?

There is no guaranteed way to take Ecstasy safely, with or without a history of ulcers.

Will you be okay to drive if you take an ecstasy pill and drive?

i would suggest not.. unless you wana die on the way

Is it safe to take ecstasy and perkocet?


How do you prevent ecstasy?

You dont take it !

How many years can you take ecstasy?

You cannot take ecstasy at all. It is illegal in most of the world and causes major health concerns.

Can you get cancer by taking ecstasy?

There are carcinogenic ingredients used in the making of Ecstasy, though even with consistent use, it would likely take decades to develop cancer from it.