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That, my friend, would be called candy flipping.

Yes, you CAN take ecstasy and acid, and yes, it IS fun! :D

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14y ago
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12y ago

You will carry the risk of having a great time ;) just keep hydrated.

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Q: Can you take ecstasy and acid?
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Whoever you are, you should not be taking ecstasy, no matter when.

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There is no guaranteed way to take Ecstasy safely, with or without a history of ulcers.

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How do you prevent ecstasy?

You dont take it !

How many years can you take ecstasy?

You cannot take ecstasy at all. It is illegal in most of the world and causes major health concerns.

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What do you do if you accidentally take an ecstasy pill?

You get into trouble

Is it okay if you used to crack your back all the time to take a quarter hit of ecstasy?

Of course not !! It's NEVER OK to take ANY ecstasy.

Can ecstasy make you gain weight?

Ecstasy actually will make you lose weight. The methanphetamine in ecstasy makes it highly addictive. Unlike marijuana, ecstasy makes you not want to eat for many hours. So the more you take ecstasy, the less you'll eat.

Can you get high if someone that is on ecstasy touches you?

No. only if you take it.

What peers might do to get you to try ecstasy?

Take you to a rave.