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Q: How do you take a ecstasy pill for the first time?
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Related questions

Can you puke off ecstasy?

It does metabolise in your body and then excreted in urine. It can be detected for upto 3 days after use.

How much should a first time user of ecstasy take?


Is one extacy pill enough for a first timer?

yes, you can! however, if it is your first time doing ecstasy, you should take only one pill at first, wait about 2 hours to see how you're feeling, and then if you feel like you can handle it, take another half a pill or full one. after you have done ecstasy more than once you can take multiple pills. however, do not take more than one at a time, or within 1 and a half hrs of one another. if you have a tolerance, then you can start double dropping pills, but yea, space them out so you don't suprise your body, overdose, and die. PEACE LOVE UNITY RESPECT AND RESPONSIBILITY!

Why did Bone Thugs Write the song Ecstasy?

The lyrics explain the first time they used it. Before ecstasy was popular, Bone we're predominantly weed smokers who never heard of that pill. So they just wanted to share the first experience using ecstasy. That song is f*cking tight.

How long does it take for an ecstasy pill to kick in I took it at 5 38 it's not 6 48 and I had a full box of Chinese food 1 hour before and drunk soda right after..?

The amount of time it takes for an ecstasy pill to kick in depends on the pill you take. Since it is not regulated, there is no way to tell how long it will take. You may not even have ecstasy because of this. It also affects different people differently. Since you ate Chinese food it may take a little longer or have a smaller effect due to other things being digested.

When will the effectivity of pills start?

when does the pill start to kick in for first time users when does the pill start to kick in for first time users when does the pill start to kick in for first time users when does the pill start to kick in for first time users

What do you reccomand for a first time ecstasy?

To stay away from it.

What is a blue diamond extacy?

"Blue Diamond" refers to the pill press used to shape the ecstasy powder into a pill. Blue Diamond is generally viewed as one of the strongest makes of ecstasy, but this becomes more and more false as all drugs become less pure over time.

Is it okay if you used to crack your back all the time to take a quarter hit of ecstasy?

Of course not !! It's NEVER OK to take ANY ecstasy.

When your bleeding on the pill but it's not time to take the green pills and it's only your second month of the pill?

Unscheduled bleeding is common in the first three months of the pill. It gets better with time. Continue taking the pill as scheduled regardless of bleeding.

Is weed better for you then estacy?

Yes. Weed is less harmful for you than the stuff you take for head aches. Its possible to die the first time you take Ecstasy

Can you show some of our body organ which damage by taking ecstasy?

Your brain will be damaged after taking ecstasy for your first time