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Why, So You Can Get AIDS or Hepatatis. Or because Heroin is amazing Kust kidding just

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14y ago
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14y ago

You can get many things from sharing needles. Ranging from infections to deadly diseases and viruses.

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Q: Why share a needle with heroin?
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What tattoo would represent heroin addiction?

a needle?

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What illegal drug is injected with a needle?

morphine or heroin

What if you shoot up heroin and there is debris in the needle will it harm me?

yes !

What is the subject of Neil Young's song The Needle and the Damage Done?

Heroin Addiction

Can you test for heroin from bloody cotton ball?

heroin is cooked into a liquid form in a spoon and then sucked up through a needle, often using q tips or cotton balls as a 'filter' for the heroin, the blood on the cotton ball could have been some of the blood that got into the needle when the person injected themselves, meaning they most likely sucked up heroin through the cotton ball so i'd guess you could test it for heroin.

Can heroin effect a mans performance in bed?

yes. you wont get to sleep with a girl cause you have needle marks in your arm. you will have a little needle 8-----) with no spem you homosexual

What sharing needles while using this illegal narcotic can lead to HIV infection is it stimulants marijuana methamphetamine or heroin?

cannabis aka marijuana in America can not be intravenously or intramuscularly injected. But you can get HIV from sharing a needle with someone who is HIV positive. Any drug that can be administered with the use of a needle can give you HIV. So methamphetamine and heroin and cocaine just to name a few can give you HIV if you share the neddle. but the person has to be HIV positive to start off with to contract HIV

Why are heroin addicts often found dead with the needle still in their arm?

In laymans terms...Because administering heroin via injection only takes about 3-5 seconds to saturate your body. If it's too much then it would hit the user faster then they can pull out the needle.

Milk blood to keep from running out?

The line comes from the Neil Young song "The Needle and the Damage Done" It refers to the practice of heroin addicts drawing up some of their blood into the needle after shooting up. The belief is that there will be sufficient heroin in the blood to give them a quick fix once they start coming down, if they are out dope.

If you share a needle to get a tattoo with a person that doesnt have HIV can you still get it?

No. The only way you can get HIV is if you used a needle by someone who has the virus.

Can heroin pass through the skin?

Yes, heroin can be absorbed through the skin, but the rate of absorption is slower compared to injection. It is not a common method of administration due to its inefficiency.