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morphine or heroin

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Q: What illegal drug is injected with a needle?
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Related questions

What is the purpose of a syringe and needle assembly?

A syringe and needle assembly is used to administer drugs when a small amount of fluid is to be injected; when a person cannot take the drug by mouth; or when the drug would be destroyed by digestive secretions.

What illegal drug is not injected?

Marijuana, cocaine (can be but definitely not normally done), shrooms, mescaline, lsd,

A drug is any substance that is legalor illegal and any substance that is ingested or injected. True or False?


How are platelet injected?

you can inject them throe a needle shoot or in hale them.

Can the drug tizanidine be injected?


What kind of drug would a person be using when injected in the arm turns their pupil BLUE?

None. There are no drugs (neither legal or illegal ones) that cause one's pupil color to change, neither when injected or taken any other way.

Is drug illegal?

Yes, drug illegal sometimes.

How is drug made illegal?

Drug is made illegal by the types or kind of that drug!

What is the hollow core of the needle called?

The hollow core of a needle is called the lumen. It is the open space inside the needle through which fluids are drawn or injected.

What sharing needles while using this illegal narcotic can lead to HIV infection is it stimulants marijuana methamphetamine or heroin?

cannabis aka marijuana in America can not be intravenously or intramuscularly injected. But you can get HIV from sharing a needle with someone who is HIV positive. Any drug that can be administered with the use of a needle can give you HIV. So methamphetamine and heroin and cocaine just to name a few can give you HIV if you share the neddle. but the person has to be HIV positive to start off with to contract HIV

How opium drug is taken?

it is inhaled injected and ingested.

Can you die if Sarin Poison gets injected with a needle?

yes. even in minute doses