Because sex is physically draining and releases neurotransmitters related to satisfaction.
If you're tired after sex, go to sleep!
after sex we r tired of moving and we do more work then female (not reallly)
my girlfriend feel tired and sick
Not at all. You just feel tired afterwards but it passes if you just stay awake for 10 minutes.
Yes it can make you feel very tired.
No i wont feel tired at any time ...
Yes sex can make you tired because your moving and moaning during se so yes
Never. People never lose there desire for sex, just sometimes they get tired of doing it, or they feel it is awkward to make love at an older age. But your sex hormones never die, so there is no "age" when you lose desire for sex.
Sex is typically full of physical activity and it can make you tired. Also, "feel good" chemicals are released during sex that can relax you. And finally, a lot of people have sex in the evening when they are already tired to begin with.
Infection can make you tired and reduce your sex drive.
Because sex is an activity and your working and breathing hard.!