Usually you probably would not pass out when a little bit of blood is drawn but if large quantities are taken out then your body doesnt have enough blood to function. Your brain needs blood to function as well as all the other organs. Eventually then your body just sends the blood away from places that are not as important and they send it to the heart and brain and eventually that may run out a little and you pass out
Does to much protein in your blood make you tired?
When you are tired, often it is because your blood sugar levels are low. By eating food, you top up your blood sugar and you therefore don't feel as tired. When you are tired, often it is because your blood sugar levels are low. By eating food, you top up your blood sugar and you therefore don't feel as tired.
After a meal the brain delivers more blood to the digestive system, leaving the rest of the body (including the muscles) with less blood. Low blood pressure makes you feel tired
Women with menorrhagia experience not only significant inconvenience, but may feel very tired due to the loss of iron-rich blood.
Because iron is the component of haemoglobin and by giving it, it increase blood formation rapidly which give more power quickly.
Yes it will get you tired, and i learn my lesson from donating blood, cause you need your blood and you have a risk of getting sick and having a weak immune system save your blood before its to late"
you feel tired a lot and you need the toilet a lot you should get a blood test!
You need nutrients in your blood to keep you active. You get nutrients from the foods we eat and if you don't eat enough of our nutrients we get tired and sick.
my girlfriend feel tired and sick
Yes it can make you feel very tired.
No i wont feel tired at any time ...
The pancreas, it releases insulin.