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Women with menorrhagia experience not only significant inconvenience, but may feel very tired due to the loss of iron-rich blood.

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Q: Why do women with menorrhagia feel tired?
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To be honest, I don't quiet understand why you ask this question. Everyone will feel tired after a certain long time. This is a nature.

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Well every women is different some may have the effects of pregnancy and some women might not.

What is a menorrhagia in terms of a woman's health?

Menorrhagia is a medical term used to describe women who are premenopausal and suffer with very heavy bleeding during there period. In this case it is a very heavy flow that is not normal in most cases.

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What is menorrhagia a symptom of?

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What is menorrhagia?

Menorrhagia is abnormally heavy bleeding in menstruation (periods). It can be associated with a hormonal imbalance. Hope this helps.

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