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Deep tissue massages work out the muscles and release toxins to be flushed out of the body. This can leave the body tired and the muscles sore and tender. If you drink a lot of water, avoid heavy meals and alcohol, stay active, get enough sleep, and even use heat packs, you will be able to recover from your massage more quickly.

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Q: Why do you feel tired after a deep tissue massage?
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Can deep tissue massage cause muscle spasm?

Any massage that is done improperly can lead to muscle spasms, sore muscles, and bruising. This is especially true if the person receiving the massage does not feel good about the pressure and speed.

Can you give massage to someone who undergone slipped disc operation?

Yes. Ask the client if the Doc says it's ok. This protects you and the client. Do not apply direct pressure to the affected area, but massage the rest of the body.The full body massage will help them feel comfortable, and they will be able to move more freely. Do not do deep tissue to the hamstrings, which may be temporarily tight to help secure the back.

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Hi, I'm a shiatsu therapist, so I feel qualified to answer this. Without the concept of Qi, the treatment would be exactly the same, as Shiatsu is defined by the techniques used. Without the existence of Qi (which is what I think you are getting it) a Shiatsu would be more like a sports massage, physiotherapy massage or deep tissue massage, as they are 'similar' in technique... but only loosely.

What is deep tissue massage vs neuromuscular massage?

What is deep tissue massage?Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is especially helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas such as stiff necks, low back tightness, and sore shoulders.The movement is slower and the pressure is deeper and concentrated on areas of tension and pain.How does deep tissue massage work?When there is chronic muscle tension or injury, there are usually adhesions (bands of painful, rigid tissue) in muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Adhesions can block circulation and cause pain, limited movement, and inflammation.Deep tissue massage works by physically breaking down these adhesions to relieve pain and restore normal movement. To do this, the massage therapist often uses direct deep pressure.Neuromuscular Massage TherapyThe most effective type of massage therapy for lower back pain is neuromuscular therapy. Neuromuscular therapy is also called trigger point myotherapy. The American Academy of Pain Management recognizes this form of massage therapy as an effective treatment for back pain caused by soft tissue injury (such as a muscle strain). Neuromuscular therapy consists of alternating levels of concentrated pressure on the areas of muscle spasm. The massage therapy pressure is usually applied with the fingers, knuckles, or elbow. Once applied to a muscle spasm, the pressure should not vary for ten to thirty seconds.Muscles that are in spasm will be painful to the touch. The pain is caused by ischemic muscle tissue. Ischemia means the muscle is lacking proper blood flow, usually due to the muscle spasm. This in turn creates the following undesirable process:Because the muscle is not receiving enough blood, the muscle is also not receiving enough oxygenThe lack of oxygen causes the muscle to produce lactic acidThe lactic acid makes the muscle feel sore following physical activity.After the muscle is relaxed through massage therapy, the lactic acid will be released from the muscle, and the muscle should start receiving enough blood and oxygen.Neuromuscular therapy will feel painful at first, but the pressure of the massage should alleviate the muscle spasm. At this point, it is extremely important to communicate with the massage therapist regarding the pressure - whether the pressure is too much, too little, getting better, getting worse. The therapist should listen and respond accordingly. The massage therapy pressure should never be overly painful. In fact, most people describe the pressure as "good pain".What to expect after massage therapyFollowing a neuromuscular therapy massage, any soreness that presents itself should fade after twenty-four to thirty-six hours. The muscles that were tight should remain noticeably more relaxed for four to fourteen days, depending on stress, activity level, and severity of back pain prior to beginning massage therapy.

What is another name to scar tissue?

Scar tissue forms as a result from damage to healthy tissue and muscles, where normally the tissue grows straight, injured it repairs in a cluster and the fibres become intertwined along with nerves and blood vessels, that is the lump you will feel and sometimes they can be very painful. A good sports massage will get rid of it after a few sessions along with other massage tools. With massage it basically breaks down the tissue, although in reality you are recreating the injury, you can ensure with massage that the tissue grows back in its normal way.

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my girlfriend feel tired and sick

Does pms make you feel tired?

Yes it can make you feel very tired.

You feel tired all the time?

No i wont feel tired at any time ...

Why do patients of malaria feel tired and weak?

With each bout of fever the patient have a batch of red blood cells destructed. He gets hemolytic anaemia. That makes him to have less oxygenation of tissue and so he feels tired and weak.

Should you not drink alcohol after a massage?

Not before and not after (1-2hrs) Massage increases circulation, so drinking before would increase circulation of alcohol through body, but at the same time it relaxed the mind and body, which can make you feel dizzy and very sick. Drinking after a massage will just make you feel more tired and "off", putting more toxins in body while massage decreases them. Drink on a different day On you spa day, drink fresh squeeze juices, organic tea, and filtered non-bottled water.

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It's a great idea to surprise your wife with a spa trip. Some of the things I would consider would be a deep tissue massage, a manicure/pedicure and a facial. These things will make your wife feel pampered, relaxed and she will look great.