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Caucasian female's with big "butts" are easy to find nowadays because 85% of females that consume Birth Control are from the caucasian descent. As you may have heard that birth control makes you gain weight it also puts fat in place's where it's not found. Therefore it tends to lead in to their gluteus maximus. To wrap up my answer I would like to say that birth control causes it.

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Q: Why do white girls have big butts?
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Related questions

Are white girls with big butts hot?

Yes sometimes.

Why do white girls with big butts like black guys?

I think it is the black guys go for the white girls with big butts. The girls can't help how their butt looks and the size of the butt doesn't make you like a certain race.

Why are guys attracted to big butts?

It's there nature they like big butts because they are curvey... and we girls like tall guys they like girls with big butts.. its almost the same thing hope i helped there..


To be more Smexy.

Girls like guys with big butt?

Only guys like big butts and maybe butts in general.

Do guys prefer girls with big butts?

some do

Why do guys like Colombian girls?

they have big butts.

Why do majority of white girls have smaller butts compared to black or hispanic girls?

There is a wide variation in body shapes and sizes among individuals, regardless of ethnicity. Factors such as genetics, diet, and lifestyle contribute to differences in body composition, including butt size. It is important to avoid making generalizations or assumptions based on ethnicity.

What type of butts are good for sex?

Girls with big butts are good for sex, but there is no hard and fast rule here. i would say skinny girls

Do girls like big butts?

May be. I think mostly american's.

Does justin bieber like girls with big butts?

Yes. He said that in a interview.

Do black guys prefer white tall girls or white short girls?

Well it is not black guys in general. Most likely they each have a different preference. If they are tall they could like tall girls. If they are shorter they could go either way. Maybe they like big boobs or big butts. Or maybe they like black girls. Who knows.