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ive tooken x many times but it never worked even when i took 2 the x that i was taking worked on every 1 but me ---- It could be bunk. Also, are you taking any other medications? Some medications will significantly lessen the effects of ecstasy. Also, long-term use will cause a tolerance, so you will not feel much from taking ecstasy, regardless of the quantity.

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14y ago

There are many fakes out there containing little or no MDMA.

A good test is to break the pill in half. If it crumbles into a few pieces, it's purer. If it's harder to break and appears smoother or more solid it's likely coated with some other stuff that can either A) Reduce MDMA's effects or B) Make you sick.

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8y ago

It is against the law to do ecstasy, and aid you in getting high.

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Q: Why didn't i feel anything when taking ecstasy?
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What is the purpose for taking ecstasy?

To feel amazing.

How does it feel when youre taking ecstasy and taking a shower?

best feeling ever! it feels absolutely amazing.

Social and moral consequences of taking ecstasy?

the moral consequences are that you will feel like a dinosaur

Do you see stuff when you are on ecstasy?

Taking ecstasy can make one see things that are not really there in reality. Some people who have taken ecstasy claim to have seen angels and demons standing in front of them. Some say that ecstasy just makes them sensitive to certain lighting. However, ecstasy's effects on people vary greatly. Some do not feel ecstasy, while some feel it greatly.

Why do you experience pleasurable feeling when taking Ecstasy?

Because MDMA (Ecstasy) causes a flood of serotonin in your brain. Serotonin is the chemical that creates a sense of well-being and balances your mood. Ecstasy causes all the serotonin in your brain to be released at once. That is why people often feel depressed and unhappy for a day or so after taking Ecstasy. All of the serotonin in their brain has been depleted, and it takes awhile for your brain to replace it.

Could effects of ecstasy be delayed until 24 hours after ingestion?

No. If you do not feel the effects of the pill within 1 or 2 hours of taking it, chances are you are not going to feel it at all. A lot of users don't feel the full effect of E their first time taking it.

Where to go if im taking ecstasy?

it would probably be best to go some place where you feel most safe and comfortable also keep in mind you could possibly hallucinate so be with people you trust and count on cause anything can send you on a bad trip.

Why does Ecstasy have a hard crash?

Because MDMA (Ecstasy) causes a flood of serotonin in your brain. Serotonin is the chemical that creates a sense of well-being and balances your mood. Ecstasy causes all the serotonin in your brain to be released at once. That is why people often feel depressed and unhappy for a day or so after taking Ecstasy. All of the serotonin in their brain has been depleted, and it takes awhile for your brain to replace it. So, there is a comedown, or crash, after taking Ecstasy, but it is not nearly as bad as the comedown you get from other drugs, like speed and especially cocaine.

Why don't you feel anything after taking 100mg of Adderall?

Adderall is not a hallucinogenic drug, so not feeling anything after taking it once is quite normal.

Can you mix ecstasy with Lexapro if you do not take Lexapro dose that day?

No you can't... both lexapro and ecstasy are dealing with the same material in your brain - seratonin. ecstasy brings it levels very high, while lexapro keeps it in a controlled level, so the ecstasy just won't work. not taking lexapro that day is meaningless, as the drug is not effective the same day, it keeps a certain level in your blood (which is why it takes 2 weeks after starting taking lexapro to really feel the effects)

Is the sentence when I'm with a boy i feel ecstasy a good sentence?

Ecstacy isn't a word. Ecstasy is. Ecstasy means happiness. Ecstasy is a adjective, such as The boy's face suddenly shot up a face of ecstasy.Second, I don't feel comfortable about answering something to a "Gay" person.Or Homosexual if you will. Or Bisexual. Your choice.

Its been 7 hours since i took an ecstasy pill and i still cant sleep what do i do?

Stop taking Ecstasy. It's a dangerous drug and you never know what is in the pill. I didnt know what it was the first time i ever took anything like that and it was over 12 hours ago...i don't know if its in my head or if it really is that powerful...i just feel unsleepy...yet my eyes look like i havent slept...and when i lay down i feel nauseiated... Hi, i recommend that you definitely stop taking ecstasy because it is a horrible drug and can ruin your life. try taking sleeping pills or visiting a doctor. if it is too daunting to visit a doctor and the pills arent working ask someone with experience. Wheelersoftball17: Whatever you do, do NOT take sleeping pills. X is very dangerous when used with other drugs. The drug will stay in your system for a good 18 hours; you're probably crashing now. If you don't use again, you should be able to sleep in about the 20-22 hour after you take it.