Yu should wrap your hands around her waist line, but don't qet too qrabby if it's your first kiss. Well unless the qirl likes qrabbyy lols.
The first kiss ranges from person to person although the average first kiss of girls (and boys) are in the teenage state - 15 to 17 years old.
u should kiss ur boyfriend at the movie cuz it's dark there and he might kiss u back but first you should hold hands and then lay ur head on his shoulder and work ur way up
There is no set age when most girls have their first kiss, as it varies greatly among individuals. Some girls have their first kiss during their teenage years, while others may have their first kiss later in life. It all depends on personal preferences, experiences, and readiness.
when you go on a first date the movie you see should be a scary movie because guys will hold you and maybe kiss you and girls will cuddle you and maybe kiss you
Girl feel good :)
Go for it girls! its time to take charge and stop letting all the men be Mr.Tough! You should kiss him first if you love him. Pilot your own life! Good luck!!! Amen sister!
You should have your first kiss at 12 or 13. You can have your first kiss ANYWHERE as long as its a place that you think can be special for your first kiss and if the time is right dont kiss a guy on a first date or anything. And i have a helpful tip for you girls and guys: After you have your first kiss dont run away here is the NUMBER 1 tip to do after your first kiss: SMILE! SMILE BIG! YOU JUST HAD YOUR FIRST KISS YOU BETTER BE HAPPY ABOUT IT! but i hope i helped you :-) and p.s i am 11 andcant wait to have my first kiss!!!!
It is sought of up to you. when i got my first kiss i made the first move...
Whoever wants to do it first, should do it. Doesn't really matter who does it first.
Depends. If it is the girls first kiss, they become extremly nervous before, and then after they are amazed. If a girl has kissed a guy multiple times, she should be used to it.If it is her first kiss with you, but not her first kiss total, she may be a little nervous because she may think something could go wrong, or you wont like how she kisses. But, girls loved to be kissed. They love the soft feeling of the guys lips pressed against hers, and they love it when a guy kisses them on the forehead or cheek. Hope this helps!!