You and your boyfriend/girlfriend choose what your first kiss is going to be.
There Should Be No Type Of Set Date To Your First Kiss With Your Boyfriend, But When The Time Is Right It Will Happen, Don't Rush it !!
lips. definately
You should just tell him to kiss you! That or just kiss him first.
u should kiss ur boyfriend at the movie cuz it's dark there and he might kiss u back but first you should hold hands and then lay ur head on his shoulder and work ur way up
kiss him first
It doesn't matter if he does or not, but i think if he does it's sweet.
You don't. Wait, waiting has its pros in the end. Your first kiss should be special, not "just because my friends are doing it".
Yes you should and can kiss your boyfriend thats one of the things couples always do. Odd are he wants to kiss you to so just kiss him already
Yes he is your boyfriend you like him he likes you what's wrong with him kissing you on the first date!!! I kissed my boyfriend before we even wet on a date so yea If you want to then kiss if you don't want to then that should be okay too. It is up to you to decide this issue.