when you go on a first date the movie you see should be a scary movie because guys will hold you and maybe kiss you and girls will cuddle you and maybe kiss you
The Transformers The Movie was an animated movie with a USA release date of August 8 1986 see related link. Transformers was also the title for a 2007 Live action Film that was the first in a series of three films see related link
i wouldn't see it because it was manly for little kids to watch. the first movie was kind of good when i was little but now that I'm older i want to see it which could be the problem for many people.
Stand by Me
Choose the first one you see.
The movie, Ransom? Its U.S. release date was November 8, 1996. See the Related Link below for more information.
Going to see a movie, Texting or talking to someone else on a date. Tongue kiss on the first date!
I think it depends who it is I like romantic comedys but everyones different, I would ask your girl or guy and see what they want.
see vampires suck because its a comedy
A movie like Alvin and the chipmunks or saw
If the first date is successful, ask if you can see him or her again.
The Transformers The Movie was an animated movie with a USA release date of August 8 1986 see related link. Transformers was also the title for a 2007 Live action Film that was the first in a series of three films see related link
How bout see a movie xD pick a movie that your date will like cus then she will like u more :3
see download i have share with download The Fourth Kind movie link
The first movie was viewed in Paris.There was no cost.
Get to know her, and see if she shows signs of liking you. Then, ask her on a date to the movie or something and she'll certainly fall for you.