

Best Answer

PCP or Phencyclidine can be found in many recreational drugs.

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Q: Where is PCP most used?
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Related questions

What was PCP used as in the 1950s?

In the 1950s, PCP was being investigated as a possible dissociative anesthetic in humans.

Is PCP illegal?

PCP is considered a schedule II drug and is not legal in the US

When was pcp first used?

heatlh class

Is PCP still used as a veterinary anesthetic?


Does milk help you come down off pcp?

when i used pcp it always helped!also everyone i used it with would say the same thing it helped!

Can you test positive for pcp from kissing?

Unless a person placed PCP in their mouth and kept it there while french kissing, testing positive from kissing someone who has used PCP shouldn't be a concern.

Does pcp have a medical use?

Yes, PCP has a medical use as a veterinary anesthetic/tranquilizer primarily used on large animals such as horses.

Most poweful pellet gun?

PCP's • Precharged Pneumatic Guns are the most powerful airguns made. Most use a scuba tank to charge them and can fire a 50 Cal ball.

What is inside PCP?

Pure PCP contains only PCP (phencylidine).

What is found in pcp?

PCP is phencyclidine, a chemical with powerful dissociative effects. Due to its relatively high potency, somewhat low cost of production, and the fact that it is often used to lace marijuana, it would be fairly rare for it to be cut with any other chemicals.

Can you get pcp out your urine in a week completely?

If PCP is used in a typical dose on a single occasion, it is likely to be undetectable by a standard urine test after a week. Of course, this can vary based on the individual, especially if liver or kidney function is impaired. If PCP is used regularly, it can usually be detected in a urine test for about a month.

What is the PCP death rate?

Many factors contribute to survival of pcp, respiratory assitance being most important. 30% is average if the conidtion is diagnosied late