Unless a person placed PCP in their mouth and kept it there while french kissing, testing positive from kissing someone who has used PCP shouldn't be a concern.
No it is not possible to test for salvia.
if you smoke laced weed.
The cough suppressant, DXM, has been known to cause a false positive for PCP. PCP, or phencyclidine, is also commonly known as angel dust.
It can cause a false positive for PCP or Opiates depending on the quality of the test.
can percocet cause a false positive for pcp
A simple kiss on the lips will not; however, heavy passionate kissing with an intoxicated person can cause a false positive in a breathalyzer test.
it isnt possible for one to test positive for drugs after kissing someone that has done them.. unless you were in the room as they were smoking marijuana, in which case you would test positive for a second-hand high.
yes, but it is out of your system with in 3 - 7 days