All men do not shoot up meth, indeed nearly all men DO NOT shoot up meth because it is a stupid thing to do.
No he just smoked a lot of pot
Crystal Meth can be very addictive and is often abused so yes, both men and women can lie to get what they need or cover up the fact they are addicted or cheat because they can take enough Crystal Meth to lose all inhibitions.
to shove a giant stick up his @ss hole of course
There is a possibility of you getting sciatica by shooting up meth.
It burns a lot and swells. The swelling doesn't go down for a couple of days and it hurts to the touch. And you don't feel it as much.
Can colonopin show up as meth amphetamine
No, it would not. The manner of ingestion of any drug is irrelevant to the length of time it stays in the system and is detectable in the urine.
People do it all the tme....
If the crack pipe was used to smoke Meth, then yes. Otherwise, Cocaine and meth are completely different drugs. Meth would show up as an amphetamine, and cocaine shows up in a separate test just for it.
No, crystal meth is not grown. It is a man-made substance. Crystal meth is cooked up in homemade laboratories.
Yes, even though the meth is synthesized it's still an Amphetamine (Thus retaining the high that meth-heads enjoy). So the meth is still going to show up on a drug test as an Amphetamine.
Not any more. They changed the drug in it to one you can't make meth from.