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yes! It's most women's one big complaint. I don't know how many times I have had this conversation with my friends. Women often want to cuddle and not have to worry about being seduced into a "love session." Some men can be cuddly teddy bears and really just cuddle, but unfortunately for most, the cuddling can turn to desire on their part.

Just let him cuddle you and if he starts to do the "10 finger exercise on your back or leg" tell this daddy longlegs that you understand cuddling as curling up together and you don't feel like having a sexual relationship right at that moment. Couples should be able to nestle in with each other and just relax without having to have sex all the time, so don't fear letting him know how you feel. If he's truly a cuddler then enjoy, but if he's using it as a ploy, then tell him how you feel.

Good luck Marcy

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Q: When a guy says he wants to cuddle does he really mean he wants sex?
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