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It is an indication that something is irritating your mucous membranes in your nose and/or sinuses. The "something" could be many things: allergens (such as pollen, dust mites, mold spores, etc.), cold or flu viruses, environmental pollution, sinusitis, dust, or even ground culinary pepper and other similar irritants that come in contact with that tissue. There are also some conditions that cause excess tears or nasal drainage (without irritation) which result in rhinorrhea or post nasal drip that can trigger multiple sneezes.

A good item to have on hand in the medicine cabinet is nasal saline spray (available over the counter from your pharmacy). It works to both clean the irritants from the tissue and remove the cause and also to soothe the tissue if it becomes inflamed by the irritation.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Oh......My Father did this once....Once he sneezed very hard...His Jaw (lower)went out of its socket area.....Dont worry, as long as your Jaw doesnt hurt your fine

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The intensity of a sneeze may burst a blood vessel in one sneeze.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It will clear your nose

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no because when sneezing your heart actually stops when you sneeze... so........ dont sneeze like 20 times in a row or you might have a heart attack

Can people sneeze more than three times in a row?

== == A less confusing answer..... My mother just sneezed 12 times in a was hilarious! Yes, they sure can.the number of sneeze varies person to person specially nose to nose. Well, a 12-year-old British girl named Donna Griffiths holds the record for sneezing for 978 days in a row. So, yes, you can sneeze much more than three times in a row.

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I heard this from the hk dramas too! And also if you sneeze many times in a row is someone scolding you. But nobody seems to believe me

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The theory for sneezing 3 times in a row may cause you to die, is absolutely 100% wrong, many people have sneezed 7 times too, but that won't kill you either. so don't worry mon, be happy.:)

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Like a record that gets caught up on the same part over and over again.

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