no because when sneezing your heart actually stops when you sneeze... so........ dont sneeze like 20 times in a row or you might have a heart attack
Actually, it is possible. I tried it and it worked.
Yes, it is possible to sneeze without blinking, although blinking during a sneeze is a natural reflex for many people. The sensation of a sneeze and a blink are controlled by different reflex arcs in the body.
Guineapigs can go at least 6-9 hours without blinking
The only way you can sneeze is with your eyes closed.
Cats can keep their eyes open without blinking for an average of 30 to 40 seconds.
Snakes have clear eyelid covers, but they too must wash the dust from their eyes by... blinking. I suppose it is possible that there are species of fishes that do not blink.
No, but an old wives' tale has it that when you sneeze, your soul leaves your body for the duration of the sneeze (so, without a soul, you are "dead" for that moment).
you blink, talk, and sneeze, and yawn etc.AnswerBreathe.Autonomous
Blinking ;)
I think it means to look at someone for a long period of time, blinking or not.
he's dead
To encourage a baby to sneeze safely and gently, you can try gently tickling their nose with a soft cloth or feather. This can help stimulate the sneeze reflex without causing any discomfort to the baby. It's important to be gentle and patient, as forcing a sneeze can be harmful.