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How much your nose is tickled.

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Q: What determines how many times you sneeze in a row?
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How do you sneeze 500000 times in a row?

you die

What does it sound like when you sneeze 50 times in a row?

it depends how you sneeze. everyone sneezes differently

Can you sneeze without blinking?

no because when sneezing your heart actually stops when you sneeze... so........ dont sneeze like 20 times in a row or you might have a heart attack

Can people sneeze more than three times in a row?

== == A less confusing answer..... My mother just sneezed 12 times in a was hilarious! Yes, they sure can.the number of sneeze varies person to person specially nose to nose. Well, a 12-year-old British girl named Donna Griffiths holds the record for sneezing for 978 days in a row. So, yes, you can sneeze much more than three times in a row.

Is there an idiom itchy ears meaning someone is thinking of you?

I heard this from the hk dramas too! And also if you sneeze many times in a row is someone scolding you. But nobody seems to believe me

Theory of sneezing three times in a row?

The theory for sneezing 3 times in a row may cause you to die, is absolutely 100% wrong, many people have sneezed 7 times too, but that won't kill you either. so don't worry mon, be happy.:)

What does it sound like when you sneeze 20 times in a row?

Like a record that gets caught up on the same part over and over again.

How many times is merily sang in Row row row your boat?

Merily is mentioned 4 times in one verse.

Why do people usually sneeze more than once in a row?

They have allergys or they are high on something

In the 3rd line of the song Row Row Row Your Boat how many times is the word merrily sung?


How many times have Georgia bulldogs beat aurburn in a row?

3 years in a row

How many times do you have to beat the battle factory?

3 times in a row