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Put your index finger and thum together

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Q: What to practice kissing with?
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Related questions

What can you do to get good at kissing?


Are you automatically good at kissing or do you have to practice?

Practice makes perfect(;

What can you practice french kissing on?

a watermelon

How do you be good at kissing?

lots of practice

What are instructions for kissing?

practice lots and have fun!

Does zanessa practice for their kissing scene?

They don't.

Can you practice french kissing your pillow?

If... you really... want to...

Is it ok to practice kissing on a wall?

It is not recommended to practice kissing on a wall as it may not accurately simulate a real-life kissing experience and could potentially result in injury. It's better to practice with a willing and consenting partner to improve your technique and comfort level.

How do you practice french kissing'?

To be brutally honest with you, you cannot practice an art. You just need to feel it. When your kissing the one you love a lot, then you'll start swapping spit. That's usual. Eventually you'll pull back a bit and voila! French kissing. Because it'd be awkward to french kiss anyone but the one you love, DON'T practice it on ANYONE OR ANYTHING!

What are the release dates for CollegeHumor Originals - 2006 Practice Kissing Hand Fail 1-303?

CollegeHumor Originals - 2006 Practice Kissing Hand Fail 1-303 was released on: USA: 14 February 2012

Why would someone suck in your breath while kissing what does that mean?

It doesn't mean anything, they may have been just playing around - it is not a normal kissing practice.

How can one become an expert in kissing?

practice makes perfect babe.the more you do it the better you become.