

What to clean with water?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: What to clean with water?
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What is clean water?

clean water is when water is clean and there is no bacteria or bad stuff that can give you a infection.

Do swans live in clean water or dirty water?

In clean water.

Are water purifiers really the best way to have clean water?

The best way to have clean water, is to boil it. Water purifiers are a close second, and although they still clean your water, they are not the best way to have clean water.

How is the water you drink clean?

water is very clean cause they clean it very well

How do you take care of a baby turttle?

you put it in water, feed, clean it, clean the tank or what the water is in. clean the water its easy.

Does Niger have clean water?

Yes the country does have clean water.

Was created to clean up air and water pollution?

The Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act were created to help clean up the air and water from pollution. The Clean Air Act was passed in 1970 and the Clean Water Act followed in 1972.

What evaporates faster dirty water or clean water?

Clean water is evaporated faster.

Does clean water evaporate faster the polluted water?

Clean water evaporates faster.

What is the difference between clean water and dirty water?

clean water is naturally dirty, it goes through a process in which then it becomes clean.

Clean water is added to a tank full of dirty water. After some time the tank is full of clean water. Dirty water disappears. What is the principle and how does it work?

The principle is 'dilution': with the first addition of clean water to dirty water, the dirty water becomes less dirty because it is diluted by the clean water. With the continued addition of clean water to dirty water, eventually the dirty water will be completely diluted and there will be no dirty water left; it will all be replaced by clean water.

Why should we have clean water?

Clean water is necessary for good health.