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Acetone, as that is what's used in the processing of it.

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Q: What smells like cocaine besides cocaine?
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Is there a smell off cocaine or opiates?

yea cocaine sometimes smells like finger nail polish remover!!

What does crack cocaine residue look like when smoked in a bong?

Oily sticky brown? Smells like burnt sodium bicarb(sp?)

What drug smells like alcohol?

crack cocaine

What does Crack cocaine smell like?

Crack cocaine smells like a tone of smelly feet left in the Sahara to biodegrade and melt. This is because the smell of the peoples feet who make it have never had a shower as the work for pennies in these illegal factories. Hammy + Binny + Hass + Harry + Fatty

What does cocaine smell like when cooking it?

Delicious!! - Just kidding it kinda smells like burnt plastic. Pretty distinct smell that definitely makes you not want to smoke crack (unless your a crackhead).

What does crack smoke smell like?

The specific smell of crack cocaine smells very similar to the smell of poison ivy, and is much unlike marijuana smoke hard to get the smell out of clothes.

Shelley smells like eggshells?

its true cos she smells like eggshells!!!!!!!!! its true cos she smells like eggshells!!!!!!!!!

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It smells foul

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No marsupial smells like popcorn.

What a neria smells like?

it smells like rotten like a month old garbage can

Why will this smell not go away after taking cocaine?

i have got this funny smell in my nose took a tiny bit of cocaine on Sunday night but i have also just bought a van that smells of diesel or fumes all the time

What smells like chicken?

Basically chicken smells like rabbit skin!