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Acetone, as that is what's used in the processing of it.

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Q: What smells like cocaine besides cocaine?
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Is there a smell off cocaine or opiates?

yea cocaine sometimes smells like finger nail polish remover!!

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Basically chicken smells like rabbit skin!

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Smells Like Records was created in 1995.

How does cocaine appear on a drug screen?

Cocaine looks llike a fine, white powder, which could easily be mistaken for other white powders. It looks like crystal rocks and is clear. NO Good cocaine is kind of pearly and its not powdery substance if its to powdery its been cut too much Someone above said, "It looks like crystal rocks and is clear". That is fish scale (that's what it looks like) and is probably some of the purest you will come across. If you want to play, I suggest looking up freebasing.. that'll tell you all you want to know.. God speed

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Broccoli smells like trees

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Marijuana smells the same. It should not matter when it was made. It will smell like it smells anytime.

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"Smells like Nirvana" by Weird Al Yankovic is a parody of "Smells like teen (or team, I CAN'T REMEMBER!!!) spirit" by Nirvana

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What are the next series of book Smells Like Dog by Suzanne Selfors?

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When was Smells Like Children created?

Smells Like Children was created on 1995-10-24.

When was Smells Like Nirvana created?

Smells Like Nirvana was created on 1992-04-03.