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It means you have bad breath and you need to brush your teeth.This happens when you don't brush after a meal.Also my older brother has this, and he can peel it of because he doesn't brush when he has no school.

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12y ago
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14y ago

This is called 'Leukoplahia". It is usually caused by some kind of irritation in the mouth, such as rough edges from dentures, or smoking tobacco. People who have AIDS can also get it. And in rare cases, it can be a sign of oral cancer. Best thing to do is quit the thing that is causing it, i.e., quit smoking or smooth out rough spots on the dentures.

It might be a good idea to see a dentist or doctor to be sure.

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14y ago

Bacteria that grew while you slept. Brush you tongue as well as your teeth, but don't get carried away. Gently .

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17y ago

Possibly 'thrush' depends on whether it's a person, animal??? Some babies get thrush, and it's a white coating on the tongue.

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14y ago

Bacteria that has accumulated on the tongue.

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12y ago

There is plaque on your tongue, you can usually rid of it by brushing your tongue with a toothbrush.

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too much boing boing..

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14y ago

It is Papille

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Q: What is white stuff on tongue?
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What if tongue is white after piercing?

Go see a doctor. You either have an infection (white stuff on the surface of the tongue) or may have injured something (a tongue should be pink if it has adequate blood flow.)

Is it normal to have small red bumps with white stuff on it on the back of tongue?

yes it normal

How do you take care of your tongue?

you scrub using the back of the toothbrush. It helps take out the white stuff on your tongue.

What were tongue scrapers used for in the colonial times?

the colonial apothecaries believes that the white stuff on your tongue was bad germs. the tongue scraper was used to clean the tongue. they placed it at very back of tongue, pressed down, and pulled forwards. then, they cleaned it off, and did the same thing, until the tongue didnt have anything else on it.

Why does a dog have white stripes on tongue?

Why does a dog have white stripes on tongue? Is this nomal?

What is this white ring under your tongue?

I don't have a white ring under my tongue.

Does hot stuff taste like cold stuff in the tongue?

uhh... no.

Is it normal to have a white looking thing around tongue ring at the borrom of tongue piercing?

Do you mean white crusty stuff on the ball of the tongue ring? If so yes that's normal, its like plaque that builds up on your teeth if you don't brush them, just take out the bar and clean the white stuff off so it doesn't build up! Hope this helps! ______________ Do you mean a pus-mucous type substance on the bottom? If so, then that is from eating/drinking dairy. Avoid dairy at all costs for at least 2 weeks.

Why do you see white stuff on your tongue ring?

The white stuff on your tongue ring is likely a buildup of bacteria, food particles, or dead skin cells. This is common with oral piercings and can usually be removed by gently cleaning the area with a soft toothbrush and mild non-alcoholic mouthwash. If the white buildup persists or is accompanied by pain or swelling, it's best to consult a healthcare professional.

Is it normal to have a little of white stuff come out of your new toungue piercing?

I have cleaned my mouth as directed, so what gives? The white stuff that sometimes comes out of fresh tongue piercings is called lymph -- it consists of white blood cells that your body uses to try and patch up the hole that was just created in your body. This "phase" of tongue piercings does not usually last long. To remove it, simply brush GENTLY around the barbell with a soft bristled toothbrush.

What is one function of a pigs tongue?

tasting stuff