The white "stuff" you find on the base of you're tongue ring surrounding the jewelry is called lymph. It's completely normal and is produced naturally in you're body to speed up the healing process. Do not panic when you see the foreign goo. A lot of people think it is puss from an infection, but they are wrong.
The white stuff on your tongue ring is likely a buildup of bacteria, food particles, or dead skin cells. This is common with oral piercings and can usually be removed by gently cleaning the area with a soft toothbrush and mild non-alcoholic mouthwash. If the white buildup persists or is accompanied by pain or swelling, it's best to consult a healthcare professional.
There are several ways to tell if a ring is white gold or platinum. The first and easiest way to tell what a ring is, look for the hallmark inside the ring. If you notice a 10k or .475 stamp, it means that it is 10k gold (or 47.5% gold). If there is a 14k or .585 stamp inside, it means its 14k gold (or 58.5% gold). If you see a 18k or .750 stamp, its 18k gold (or 75% gold). If you see a stamp that says PLAT, or is stamped .950 or .900, then it is a platinum ring. There are other ways to tell if it is platinum or white gold as well. Platinum is usually 60% heavier than 14k gold. So take a ring that you KNOW is gold and compare it with the weight of the ring in question. If the ring in question is much heavier than the gold ring, then it is most likely platinum. Additionally, if the ring in question has a yellow or tarnished look to it, then it is most likely gold. If you're still unsure, just take it to your local jeweler and ask them to test it for you. They should have several techniques they can use to determine what metal it is. If you don't feel like going out of the house and still need some clarification, there is a great tutorial of precious metals that you can access at the link below this posting. I hope this helps, and good luck!
I work at a Pawn shop and just saw a W/G ring with this marking... so I tested it with my jewelers acid to see what it would do. When testing with acid a slight scratch into the metal must be made (enough to go through a plating) when the acid hit the scratch in the white gold the underlying metal bubbled green and showed a 'copper' color. The test showed to me that this was a copper based metal with a rather thick w/g plating. No value at all in the Pawn world due to no way to smelt this to get the metals separated. Hope this helps... It sure did for me.
White discharge on panties can be normal and is often due to the body's natural cleaning process. It could be a sign of ovulation or the presence of cervical mucus. However, if the discharge is accompanied by itching, odor, or irritation, it could indicate an infection and you should see a doctor.
The white stuff that grows on metal is likely to be corrosion or rust. This is a chemical reaction that occurs when metal is exposed to oxygen and moisture, causing the metal to deteriorate and form a white or reddish-brown substance on its surface. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help prevent this from happening.
A discoloration of the tongue that looks like rust can be caused by a few conditions. These include poor oral hygiene dehydration certain medication iron deficiency and a vitamin B12 deficiency. Poor oral hygiene can cause bacteria to build up on the tongue and lead to discoloration. Dehydration or dry mouth can cause the tongue to develop a coating that appears rusty. Certain medications can cause a discoloration of the tongue as a side effect. An iron or vitamin B12 deficiency can cause the tongue to turn a rusty color.It is important to see a doctor if the discoloration of the tongue persists as it can be a sign of an underlying medical condition.
Go see a doctor. You either have an infection (white stuff on the surface of the tongue) or may have injured something (a tongue should be pink if it has adequate blood flow.)
No, its not. Go see your piercer.
A white round ring on the tongue could be a result of various factors including irritation, oral thrush, or canker sores. It's recommended to visit a dentist or doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Maintaining good oral hygiene and staying hydrated can help prevent such issues in the future.
mm yeahh..after all, they get to decide if they hire you..
It's obvious, go see a doctor! This is an infection, and you could lose your tongue because of it. GO SEE A DOCTOR!
Go see your doctor
You should definitely go check with your piercer to see what that is. I cant tell you how to treat it since I dont know what it is :)
i don't see why not, i do it all the time.
See your doctor for advise
White stuff does not come out of chickenpox bumps. Perhaps you have misdiagnosed yourself. See your health care provider for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
If you have white stuff coming out you could have an infection. The white stuff is called discharge. If you are discharging you need to go see a doctor so they can give you something to get rid of it.
It sounds like you have thrush... go see a doctor!