

What is tolerable upper limits?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What is tolerable upper limits?
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What if a Nutrient does not have a Tolerable Upper Intake Level?

If the nutrient does not have a tolerable upper intake level it means it does not have a maximum amount of that can be taken before damage occurs. Any nutrient that has a tolerable upper intake level is one you can overdose on or take too much of the nutrient. Much like potassium which can be deadly but vitamin c does not have an upper intake level.

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Tolerable Upper Intake Level

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1 teaspoon

Enzyme activity can be negatively affected by what environmental factors a. the presence of metal ions b. low salinity c. temperatures above certain tolerable limits d. a pH value between 6 8?

a. the presence of metal ions, c. temperatures above certain tolerable limits, d. a pH value between 6-8

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Can intakes above tolerable upper level could cause the probability of toxicity to decrease?


What if a food label is missing a tolerable upper intake level?

If a food label is missing the tolerable upper intake level, you should avoid it if you are on strict dietary restrictions. If you are serving this food in schools or hospitals, its best to consult with a dietitian instead of calculating servings by guessing.

What is the definition of upper class limits?

The upper class limits are the greatest value for each class. For instance if your class is 10-20, the upper class limit is 20.

Does the midpoint of a frequency distribution class equal the sum of the lower and upper limits?

No, the midpoint is the result of adding the upper and lower limits in a class and dividing that by 2. Essentially the mid point is the average of the two limits.