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Q: What is the harm in constantly picking the scabs off your arms?
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Does nail biting cause harm to the body?

It will not cause harm to your body, it is just a nasty, germy habit. Just like picking your nose...........

How can I safely pick up a toddler without causing harm, especially when it comes to the common practice of picking them up by one arm?

To safely pick up a toddler without causing harm, it is important to use proper lifting techniques. Avoid picking them up by one arm as this can strain their joints and muscles. Instead, bend your knees, keep your back straight, and lift them using both arms to support their body. This helps prevent injury and ensures the toddler's safety.

What does safe in the arms of Jesus mean?

He is our protector. As long as we trust in Him, He will keep us safe from harm.

Is Self equals Harm an addiction if you think about it a lot but I do not self-harm?

Self harm is something that some people do to hurt themselves in various ways. Self harm can become an addiction, or be an addiction even if a person doesn't hurt themselves. If they think about it often, or research it constantly, it might be an addiction.

Does picking up a cat by the scruff hurt the cat?

Picking up a cat by the scruff can cause discomfort or pain for the cat, especially if done incorrectly or excessively. It is best to avoid lifting a cat solely by the scruff to prevent any potential harm.

Is Self Harm an addiction if you think about it a lot but do not do it?

An addiction is something that a person doesn't think they can live without. Thinking about self harm, looking up information on it, or consistently showing interest might mean it is an addiction, even if you do not self harm.

Are you suposed to pick bunnies up by there ears?

no rabbits ears are very sensitive and they use them very readily for hearing and picking them up by the ears can harm their hearing

How can I safely pick up a baby by their arms without causing any harm or discomfort?

It is not safe to pick up a baby by their arms as it can cause harm or discomfort. Instead, always support the baby's head and neck with one hand and their bottom with the other hand when lifting them. This ensures their safety and comfort.

What are short term effects of self harm?

- Blood getting places - Cuts/burns on body - Scabs can become very itchy - People inquiring - Having cuts, and looking at them on a daily basis, can be a trigger for even more cutting.

Why should you stop picking food?

There's no harm with 'picking' at the food on your plate, as long as you try eating a bit of each item on your plate. (It's a bit insulting if you don't even try something, when somebody else has made it for you). However, some parents find people 'picking' at their food annoying, since it takes them longer to eat it (and they have to watch).