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Q: What is the decibel level of a normal conversation?
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What is the sound level of a normal conversation?

The sound level of a normal conversation is typically around 60-70 decibels.

What is the decibel of soft recorded music?

Normal conversation is 60 -70dB, city traffic (inside car) is 85dB and about this level is soft recorded music. A Walkman at half volume is 94dB and Rock Music peaks at 150dB

What are two types of sound and their approximate decibel levels?

A normal conversation is about 70 decibels (dB). A gun firing off is about 140 dB.

What is the loudness of sound of the normal conversation?

The sound of a normal conversation is 60dB (decibels) and a close range jet is 140dB. This makes a jet at close range over 2 times as many decibels than a close range jet. The sound of a normal conversation is 60dB (decibels) and a close range jet is 140dB. This makes a jet at close range over 2 times as many decibels than a normal conversation. The above answer is FALSE: The decibel scale is logarithmic and thus a 140 dB sound would be 10^14 above 0 decibel; the 60 dB sound would be 10^6 above 0 decibel. Thus the close range jet is around 10^(14 - 6) = 10^8, or 100,000,000 times the loudness of a normal conversation.

What is the noise level of normal conversation?

60 decible

What does a decibel have to do with sound?

A decibel is the unit of measuring the level of sound.

What is the decibel of a car horn?

What is the decibel level of a car horn?

What are Examples of different decibel levels?

60 dB: normal conversation 90 dB: lawnmower 120 dB: rock concert 150 dB: fireworks display

What is the normal decibel of a human voice?

The decibel level for standard human voices is around 60 decibels, which is also the level for singing birds. Hearing loss occurs at around 110 decibels with painful hearing loss occurring at 130 decibels.

A noise level of 65 decibels is measured for?

A noise level of 65 decibels is considered moderately loud, comparable to the sound of a normal conversation or background music in a restaurant. Continued exposure to noise at this level can lead to hearing damage over time. It is important to protect your hearing by using ear protection in environments with sustained noise levels at or above 85 decibels.

What decibel level is considered too loud for dogs?

The decibel level considered too loud for dogs is around 90 decibels.

What is the decibel level at which noise becomes harmful for babies?

The decibel level at which noise becomes harmful for babies is around 70 decibels.