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Q: I've missed ovulationwill I stll have a period?
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Hi im 20 ive got pregnancy symptoms ive missed a period and ive done a pregnancy test it came back negative but you feel pregnant what do you do?

You should see a doctor and make sure that you find out if you are pregnant.

Brown semen after intercorse. Ive missed my period and thought it was my period starting but still no sign 24 hours after intercourse. Am I pregnant?

no it takes at least 4 days for body to show if pregnant or not

Ive missed my period and im getting a lot of nausea i get cramps and i started to get them around the time of my period but I never got it. Any clue what's going on?

ever thought of something call pregnancy??

You have been having many symptoms of pregnancy and ive tried 3 pregnancy test but they all came out negative and you havent missed your period yet could you be pregnant?

Yes you can

I missed 3 pills took them the 4th day took the next 2 then missed the next 2. I'm having some brown discharge. I'm not supposed to start for 10 days but i feel the period coming on.could i be preg?

I'm having the same happen to me...I'm on Ortho Lo and missed quiet a few pills the week lafter I had my last period and since 2 weeks after, ive been having the brown discharge. I think from what ive read, its just an inbalance in hormones.

Ive been on birth control rarely missed a pill but now im a month or 2 late on my period and ive started having symptoms indegetsion sleepy but test are neg or faded pregnant can you still be pregnant?

No. And the "faded" pregnant comment suggests that you are looking at the test long after the time it's supposed to be read. The birth control pill can cause a missed period. If this side effect is troublesome to you, contact your health care provider for a change in prescription.

Ive missed three days of your pill and now you have dark spotting?

see your doctor

If you misss your period and ive forgot to take a birth contorl pill does this mean im pregnant?

If you took the pills incorrectly and missed a period, you could be pregnant. Take a pregnancy test to find out. If it's negative, consider changing to a method that's easier for you to use reliably.

Ive missed your period for almost two months took a pregnancy test at the doctors a urine one it said you wasnot pregnant could it be wrong?

I would see a doctor about this. I missed my period for 3 months once and went to the gyno and they put me on birth control pills to regulate. Its not a widely common problem but it does happen so dont freak out just yet. Go see a doctor.

Ive had my period for 3 weeks.Whats wrong?

it's either your 'iffy', or its not your period

Ive been on the pill just finished the green but missed three of the new pack can you get pregnant?


Ive only had one day of your period could you be pregnant?
