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Q: What is effective use of time?
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How effective is it to use the pill and spermicide lubricant at the same time?

It's 100% effective.

How do you define the time management?

Time management is defined as an ability to use your time in a productive and effective way. It is planning how to use your time wisely, especially at work.

How do you explain how to use the resources effective?

time, energy,skills, imagination,family and friends

How effective is the use of time-outs for disciplining 2-year-olds?

Research suggests that time-outs can be effective for disciplining 2-year-olds when used consistently and appropriately. Time-outs can help children understand the consequences of their behavior and provide a chance for them to calm down. However, it is important to use time-outs in conjunction with positive reinforcement and other discipline strategies to be most effective.

Your birth control is effective after 7 days but bf did not pull out and it was before the time for your 7th pill Still took it will it be effective against a pregnancy?

if directions say 7 days or pills it probly wont be effective till then next time use a condom

What time are Dusk Balls effective in Pokemon Diamond?

If you use a Dusk Ball inside a cave, it will always be at its most effective catch rate. However, you need to use a Dusk Ball between 8pm and 3:59am outside caves to take advantage of its 4x catch rate. This is the game's night-time mode and Dusk Balls are more effective during this time.

What are the chances of getting pregnant if you use a condom every time?

Well, condoms are effective 99% of the time, so... 1% chance.

Is it effective in or effective at?

Both "effective in" and "effective at" can be correct, depending on the context. Use "effective in" when referring to a specific area or situation where something is effective. Use "effective at" when referring to a specific task or action at which something is effective.

Which of the following would be the main reason you use the task feature?

to use effective time management

Why would a nation use propaganda in a time of war?

Propaganda can be effective to reduce the morale of the enemy army and civilians.

Why are vaccines tested over a long period of time?

To make sure they are effective and safe to use in the general population.

Use of the computer in e-governance?

The use of computer in e-governance ensures that communication is enhanced or effective. It also cuts down on costs and time.