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It's 100% effective.

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Can you take the pill and use spermicide at the same time?

Yes you can

Is the birth control pill effective?

absolutely! If you take the pill as directed it is 99% effective. If you frequently skip days, however, the effectiveness drops to 80% If you don't think you are able to remember to take a pill at the same time every day there are also Depo shot, IUD implants available as well as the Nuvaring and the Patch.

Can you be pregnant if you get your period on the pill when you shouldn't?

You should not get pregnant at all if you are on the pill; hoever, nothing is 100% and the birth control pill is only about 99% effective. I have had a few patients that have gotten pregnant whilst taking the pill. (I'm a doctor)

Why do you keep getting pregnant even though you are on the pill?

The pill is not 100% effective. It is claimed to be about 98% effective and this is if you are taking it correctly. You should be taking it daily and around the same hour every day to have the best results. So you may be taking it at different times every day or you are skipping days. To increase protection, use a condom every time even if you are on the pill.

Is it risky if you take a birth control pill and used the evra patch at the same time?

It makes no more sense than taking three birth control pills a day. Taking the birth control pill and using the patch at the same time offers no additional pregnancy protection. If you want to double up on birth control to lower the risk of pregnancy further, use condoms, spermicide, the diaphragm, or the cervical cap.

What is the right way of taking birth controlpills?

Normally the best and most effective way of taking birth control is to start taking the pill the first Sunday after your period has ended...also remember the time of day you took it for the first time and then everyday after that take it at the exact same time or very close to the same time....this helps the pill be the most effective.

If you take birth control at night is it still as effective as taking it in the day?

Yes, the birth control pill will be effective at any time that you choose that is convenient for you. However, you must take your birth control pills everyday at the same time in order for it to remain effective.

Can a girl get pregnant on her 2nd month of taking a pill?

Sure you can. Even if you take your pill everyday at the same time as recommended, there is still a chance you can get pregnant. Of course, many don't take their pill at the same time each day and sometimes forget a day or two. No contraception is 100% effective. Your chance is very low if you take it as recommended, but there IS still a chance of pregnancy.

How late can you take the pill for it to still be effective?

You can take your birth control at any time that is convenient for you, as long as you take your birth control every day at the same time.

What percentage is the pill of being accurate to stop pregnancy?

When taken as directed (one pill the same time each day), and not missing any doses, the birth control pill is 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. This is due to the pill changing the lining of the uterus, the woman's ovulated egg is changed so sperm can not penetrate it, and the mucous of the cervix is changed so sperm can not pass through it.

What is white pill with the markings barr 325 on same side of pill?


What is the possibility of pregnancy with taking pregnancy pills?

If you take your pill EVERYDAY at the SAME TIME the birth control pill is 97.9% -99.9% effective. If you miss a pill or switch times, you reduce the effectiveness. I was on Yaz when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I had been taking it at 8 am everyday and was 10 weeks when I found out I was pregnant by accident at a regular pap appointment. It does happen!