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Q: What is a good Remedy for excessive flatulance?
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In a post surgical context, flatulance typically indicates the bowel has re-awakened from anesthesia -- a good sign. Also, any time there's excessive gas pressure in the lower GI tracts, flatulence is a means of reducing this sometimes painful pressure. On the lighter side, it's especially good if you use it to avoid parties at the inlaws :}

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A good remedy for a sore throat is hot tea. Instead of asking for help, I'll remedy the situation myself.

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The best and long lasting remedy is proper diet and exercise.

Why is flatulence almost always associated with fat people?

Flatulance is often associated with eating starchy foods. Many fat people tend to overeat and eat a lot of starchy foods which would cause them to produce more gas, resulting in more flatulance. Skinny, medium or obese, people can have flatulance and it can be caused by some foods (such as baked beans, Chili, spicy foods, eggs, beer, etc.) and WE ALL have flatulance to some degree. However, the above poster is correct in saying that obese people can have more flatulance than others because the tend not to exercise as much because of packing the extra weight.

What Foods to avoid for flatulance?

Of couse beans, meat, and someimes veggies

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There has been an old remedy that onions are good for hair loss. This remedy is still used today by many people.