The best and long lasting remedy is proper diet and exercise.
There has been an old remedy that onions are good for hair loss. This remedy is still used today by many people.
The website states that most over the counter or weight loss formulas are down right dangerous. You should always consult with a physician before trying any remedy as the ingredients may actually do more harm than good. Weight loss formulas should be used with a physicians approval.
If it is genetic there isn't a remedy
There are several free weight loss programs that are available to try. You could try the Atkins Diet, and the South Beach weight loss diet, both are good.
There are weight loss directories you can look in like Hilton Head Health and Green Mountain are good examples of adult camps that have good programs for adult weight loss.
A good weight loss program in Australia is Herbalife. Herbalife is a weight loss shake program. You drink two shakes a day then eat a healthy dinner. They also have a meal planner.