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It is also called a respirator

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Q: What is a Ventilator also called?
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Which form of respiratory therapy is used temporarily to replace a patient's natural breathing function?

ventilator, also called a respirator

What a ventilator in wall is called?

It is called an Airbrick, a brick with holes in it for ventilation

What is the use of ventilator?

The ventilator is used to calm down the breathing and the airways to the lungs. It also calms down massive coughing fits.

How does a ventilator help a person breathe?

i am also searching for it

When was Negative pressure ventilator created?

Negative pressure ventilator was created in 1928.

Can heated humidity be provided for both stationary ventilator and when the ventilator is in transport?


When was Ventilator Blues created?

Ventilator Blues was created on 1972-05-12.

Is a ventilator and life support the same thing?

a ventilator helps somebody breathe that its a life support machine keeps the person alive it basically does all the body functions for them they cant survive without it a person on a ventilator kinda can survive.

What causes high pressure alarm on a ventilator?

High pressure alarm on a ventilator can be caused by factors such as kinked tubing, secretions blocking the airway, patient coughing or biting on the endotracheal tube, or increased resistance in the airway due to bronchospasm. It can also be triggered by the ventilator delivering too much volume or pressure to the patient.

What are the errors that can happen in a medical ventilator?

There are many different errors that can happen in a medical ventilator. The medical ventilator could just freeze up and stop working for example.

Do you stop breathing under general anaesthetic?

yes that is why u are put on a machine called a ventilator it breathes for u

How does the heat recovery ventilator works?

The heat recover ventilator works by cooling and dehumidifying the air around you. The ventilator sends fresh air from outside and emits it indoors, heated.