someone who cares about the other person and cares about the relationship altogether.
a relationship status is like;; what your relationship is... are you married divorced single complicated relationship in a relationship these are all status's of which you can be in a relationship (: hope that helped and wasn't too confusing :/ If you have facebook.. or a social net work site. You relationship status is if you are in a relationship or not.
New relationship status ?
Means your partner is dead
taken means that are actually in a relationship..but not really in love... if you say i am in a love taKEN relationship means that you are in a relationship that u love you partner and your partner loves you back
one of the two or more participants in an ongoing business relationship
In what contexts do you mean? If your in a relationship with your partner all you life , i t still does not mean it is going to be your last relationship you'll ever have.
The phrase "Is that your Mrs?" typically means someone is asking if the person being referred to is the spouse or partner of the person being asked. It is a casual way of inquiring about the relationship status of the individual.
An open relationship is often when the person is proud of their partner or that it is not a secret that they r together and that they perform acts of love i.e. kissing in public. Well the above is completely wrong. an "open" relationship is where you are seeing sombody, but at the same time you are both allowed to see other people. Hence it is an "open" relationship.
It means that you are not in a relationship with anyone, and you are able to be with someone. You don't have a girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband or partner.
A civil partner is a partner in a civil union or in a civil partnership. Such partners typically have the same rights and responsibilities as legal spouses, but there relationship is not legally called a marriage.
You need the services of an actual attorney on this one.
Absolutely nothing. or perhaps it mean you wish for dominance in your relationship? if so talk to your partner. communication is key