It will go down; with outlier, mean is 42 without outlier, mean is 32.5
This would mean 191.25 is taken off leaving a price of $1083.75.
Working through a financial calculator will help to show the value taken out of your paycheck. This website provides a calculator to view what you should expect can be taken out of your paycheck
something not to be taken literally or seriously
Yes. In mathematics there are irrational numbers that are a subset of real numbers. In real life, there are actions taken that are irrational but the fact that they are taken makes them part of reality.
What does taken under submission mean?
depending on what you mean... when you are in a relationship and you have a boyfriend.. you are taken
To be taken advantage of.
To be taken advantage of.
To be taken advantage of.
To be taken advantage of.
To be taken advantage of.
If by taken you mean eaten, then all would be the answer.
'Taken short' means that a person really has to use the toilet.
what does it mean when someone says "you have lost your reason and taken the wrong path?"
'taken down'