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Q: What do you do if you feel sick at a party?
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Is sick a mood?

Sick is a mood because when you say you feel sick that is a mood you are feeling.Such as i feel sick

Do you feel sick after kissing?

You should not feel sick after kissing. The only time you would feel sick is if the person you kissed was sick and passed germs on to you. However, you would not feel sick right away.

What is you feel sick in dutch?

I feel sick is: Ik voel ziek Do you feel sick is: Voel je ziek?

Why do I feel sick after every party even when I'm not drinking alcohol?

Maybe you eat or drink too much? Try exercising moderation at the next party and see if that helps.

Tired dizzy and feel sick?

my girlfriend feel tired and sick

How do you say i feel sick in portuguese?

In English "I feel sick" can mean multiple things: "I feel bad" = "Eu sento-me mal" "I feel sick" (like a cold) = "Eu sento-me constipado"

If you have car sick do you feel the same when you have airsick?

Yes. Also you feel the same when you have sea-sick. You can take a medicine before you must fly so you will not feel sick.

Should you go to a formal party if you are sick?

It would depend on what is wrong with you and how bad you feel. If it is something serious, then you should not go. If you have something that is contagious, you should not go. If you feel ok, you could go. You might not be able to enjoy yourself as much, but you could still have a good time.

What is future tense of you are feeling sick?

You will feel sick.

Is it normal to feel sick after you take your birth control pill?

It is not normal to feel sick after taking birth control pills. If you feel that the pills are making you sick, you should contact your doctor and have them changed.Taking birth control pills should not make you feel sick. That is not normal.

Why does toast make you feel better when you are sick?

It makes you feel better because bread is good for you when your sick

Iv been feeling sick a lot im never sick but feel that if you were sick i would feel better everything elce is normal help?

well first hello! when you feel sick your bady is trying to get rid of something this might be anything. if you are sick then you will defantly feel better as you have got rid of the thing that was making you feel unwell, as it is no longer there! you now the old saying better out then in !!!!