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Q: What do you call a man who flirts?
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What is a man called who flirts?


What do you call a person who actually flirts?

A person who actively flirts is typically referred to as a "flirt" or "charmer."

What to dowhen your man say he love you and then flirts with another girl then flirts with another in your face what do i do?

Say Bye Bye Birdie!

How does a man knows a woman is interested in him?

She keeps looking at you or flirts with you. Or talks to you ALOT.

Is it wrong for a married man to flirt?

absolutely.. if one flirts with you you shou telll the wife

What do you do if your boyfriend says he really likes you but flirts with your best friends?

He is not acting like he respects you and I would call him on it.

How can you tell if someone really still loves you?

if there still playing with you n if they still call you n flirts with you

When a guy call you boo and flirts with you what do that mean?

it means he likes you and wants you to be his boo. Other words his girlfriends

What to do when a women flirts with your man in front of you and he denys it but always going to talk to them.?

Chill. It's not the end of the world. He can't help it if someone flirts with him. Girl, don't flip your wig. If he flirts back leave him there flirting. When he comes home later have his stuff on the front porch, and tell him to out of your house!

How can you tell if he wants you?

If he's the one to text you first/call you. Goes out of his way to say hi to you, flirts, etc.

If a man flirts with your daughter should you leave him?

If you are referring to a man you are dating, yes. Leave him at light speed, especially if your daughter (or son) is under 18.

Would it be OK for a woman to call for a booty call to a man she has been heavily flirting with?

In these modern times it appears some young women feel they can give back as good as they get from men, but, a 'lady' will play harder to get if she is interested in the man. Most young men don't get a good vibe off a young woman that gives a booty call; flirts too heavily, but of course some young men will take full advantage of it. If you feel the young man can take it then booty call all you like.