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A hotty :)

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11mo ago

A person who actively flirts is typically referred to as a "flirt" or "charmer."

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How can you tell weather a person who flirts naturally actually likes you in particular What are the signs?

well if the person flirts with you more or flirts with other ppl less then probaly just flirt with the person back and see what happens good luck!!!

What do you call a man who flirts?


How can you call a person a jerk with out actually calling them a jerk?

call them a fiend

What would you call a person in exile?

A person in exile can actually be called an exile.

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What does it mean if a guy flirts then stops?

when a guy flirts with you then stops either means hes playing with you, he wants you to flirt now or he liked you then he found another person who is flirting back .

What do you do if your boyfriend says he really likes you but flirts with your best friends?

He is not acting like he respects you and I would call him on it.

How can you tell if someone really still loves you?

if there still playing with you n if they still call you n flirts with you

When a guy call you boo and flirts with you what do that mean?

it means he likes you and wants you to be his boo. Other words his girlfriends

What do you call a person who makes a house?

Planning a house:Architect. Actually building a house:Builder.

What do you call a piece of historic information from a person who was actually at an event?

A primary source.

How can you tell if he wants you?

If he's the one to text you first/call you. Goes out of his way to say hi to you, flirts, etc.