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Q: How does a man knows a woman is interested in him?
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How can you tell if a women is interested in you?

woman knows the communication art. need not to be told.

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How can a man describe his woman that he is in love with her and adore her?

You do not have to tell her. She knows.

How would a gay guy get a straight guy interested in him?

A gay man cannot get a straight man interested him him sexually. Just as a straight woman cannot get gay man interested in her sexually. It doesn't work like that.

What does it mean when a man appears interested and says he will cook for her he knows her very little and does not call her?

If he has your number but he isn't calling then he isn't interested.

What are the signs that a man is attracted to a woman he barely knows?

constant erections.

Who is the best negotiator man or women?

Any smart man knows the woman is the best negotiator

Why does a man shows a woman where he stays?

A man can show a women where he stays if he is comfortable with her. It could be a sign that he is interested in her.

What may a man be interested in dating a younger woman?

Tight pud. What do you think?

Why will a man avoid a woman?

He may not like the girl or just isn't interested

What does snake with tits mean?

A woman who uses her sexuality to exploit a man who is interested in her.