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Q: What coats germs to prevent them from harming the body and make them easier to kill?
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What coats germs to prevent them from harming the body?

Your skin is the biggest thing that protects your body.

Does home schooling prevent germs?


Do germs hide and attack unexpectedly?

No, germs are not alive and attack your body emediantly. Also you can prevent germs by being healthy and washing your body regularly.

How does chlorine prevent diseases?

Chlorine is often used as a disinfectant in water treatment to kill harmful bacteria and pathogens, thus reducing the risk of waterborne diseases. It works by breaking down the cell walls of bacteria and viruses, rendering them unable to cause infections. Chlorine also helps to control algae and other microbes that can thrive in untreated water sources.

Does soap prevent germs from replicating?

no soap is reall poo

What is the purpose of hand washing?

To prevent germs and diseases. Sarah114

How do you prevent germs?

The best way to prevent germs is to bathe daily along with washing your hands frequently throughout the day. Also it is always good to avoid unsanitary objects and locations.

In pasteur's What was the function of the curved neck on the flask was to prevent?

the curved neck on the flask was to prevent trapped germs in the air from contaminating the broth. The germs accumulated in the curved neck,­ preventing germs from reaching the broth, unlike the straight neck the curved neck never changed color or became cloudy after several weeks. Concluding that "germs come from other germs".

How does throwing away tissues after you blow your nose prevent risk of disease?

You want to prevent the germs from the tissue from connecting with any other person. Throwing the tissue away prevents the spread of germs.

Are there more germs in your mouths than your hands?

A person has more germs in their mouth than on their hands. Saliva has enzymes that prevent germs from forming, while your hands touch things such as doorknobs all day which are infested with germs.

What is the best way to prevent the spread of germs?

Frequent hand washing.

What is the purpose of a sanitizer?

It's to kill microorganisms to prevent the spread of germs.