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Your skin is the biggest thing that protects your body.

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Q: What coats germs to prevent them from harming the body?
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Related questions

Do germs hide and attack unexpectedly?

No, germs are not alive and attack your body emediantly. Also you can prevent germs by being healthy and washing your body regularly.

What is responsible for defending blood against the pathogens?

White blood cells ingest the pathogens to prevent them from harming the human body

How does your body battle against germs?

our body has blood which contains w b c which removes germs and fights against the germs

What is the best natural barrier against germs?

The skin is the body's best natural barrier against germs. It acts as a physical barrier to prevent germs from entering the body and also has its own defense mechanisms, such as producing antimicrobial substances. Proper hygiene practices also help to maintain the skin's barrier function.

Why is bain important to body?

Pain is important to the body, because it tells our body that something is harming it. Then the body will respond by changing something to make whatever it is, stop harming the body. (to stop the pain)

What happens when germs multiply?

When germs multiply, they can lead to infections and other health problems. As they reproduce, their population increases, making it easier for them to spread and cause illness in the host. The body's immune system responds by fighting off the multiplying germs to prevent the infection from becoming severe.

Does your tongue have more germs than your lips?

yes every part of your body has germs but some germs are good.

What is the function of mucus that coats the stomach wall?

The mucus coats the inside of your stomach to prevent the strong hydrochloric acids in your stomach from wearing your stomach away and creating a hole. The acid is so strong, that if it was outside the body, it could burn a hole in your shirt.

How do thick blankets and heavy coats keep you warm?

Thick blankets and heavy coats insulate your body by trapping your natural body heat close to your skin. The layers of material act as a barrier to prevent heat from escaping, keeping you warm in cold temperatures. The thicker the blanket or coat, the more effective it is at retaining heat.

What would germs do to the body if we had no skin?

The body is under constant attack by germs. Luckily thanks to the protective nature of our skin, germs cannot attack the bodily too easily. Without skin, germs would ultimately plague and take over the body as a result.

What does the body have to keep the germs out of your body?

white cells

Is it possible to eat metal without harming your body?
