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Q: What are two additional ways to control the spread of germs?
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What are some of the ways that germs can be spread from person to person?

Germs can be spread in many ways from person to person. Physical contact such as handshakes or hugging can lead to the spread of germs. Drinking after another person can also lead to the spread of germs. It is best to avoid contact with individuals who are sick.

What are five ways germs spread?

1) sneezed 2) coughed 3) germs from hands and passing on from one person to another 4) food contamination 5) Not picking up dog business

Besides mosquitoes what are three other ways that diseases can spread?

One way they can be spread of by touching germs and then putting your hands in your mouth. Others way can include breathing on someone or by other parasites.

Can germs jump?

Germs are not like insects--germs do not "jump". But germs have used the normal processes and functions of the human body to be able to spread more germs. For example, sneezing and coughing spreads airborne germs. Other germs can live on objects for several days. So if a person wipes their rear end after a bowel movement but does not wash their hands, then touches the family phone, dishes, and door knobs which other family members also touch, the E-Coli bacteria found in bowel movements (stool) can spread to other people and cause illness. So, coughing and sneezing into a tissue or into the crook of your elbow, and cleaning objects with anti-bacterial cleaners or wipes, can reduce the number of germs we all encounter each day. Handwashing is one of the most important ways to reduce the spread of germs.

How the body deals with germs in various ways?


How do high and low temperatures affect the growth of germs in ways that are alike and different?

this effects the germs because it is really dangerous

How high and low do temperatures affect the growth of germs in ways that are alike and different?

this effects the germs because it is really dangerous

How many germs live on your cell phone?

There are thousands of microscopic germs living on your cell phone. It spreads if other people touch it too. There are thousands of ways to get germs on your cell phone.

What are more responsible ways to control and dispose of manure?

compost it and spread it in a field or garden

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Ways to prevent overpopulation are : Spread awareness Educate people Strict rules from government Birth control More benefits for smaller families The more grim stabilizing ways: disease death starvation war

How are germs transmitted?

Germs can be transmitted through direct contact with an infected person, such as shaking hands or kissing, as well as through indirect contact with surfaces contaminated with germs. They can also be spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Additionally, germs can be transmitted through vectors like mosquitoes or ticks.

How did news of the war spread you many ways?

The war spread