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Q: How the body deals with germs in various ways?
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What are some ways to keep germs out of your body?

We have to make our body clean by continous washing

What are some of the ways that germs can be spread from person to person?

Germs can be spread in many ways from person to person. Physical contact such as handshakes or hugging can lead to the spread of germs. Drinking after another person can also lead to the spread of germs. It is best to avoid contact with individuals who are sick.

How do high and low temperatures affect the growth of germs in ways that are alike and different?

this effects the germs because it is really dangerous

How high and low do temperatures affect the growth of germs in ways that are alike and different?

this effects the germs because it is really dangerous

Why is to much coffee bad?

It contains caffeine and caffeine is a drug that effects the body in various ways.

How many germs live on your cell phone?

There are thousands of microscopic germs living on your cell phone. It spreads if other people touch it too. There are thousands of ways to get germs on your cell phone.

What are ways to keep germs out of your body?

to not touch somebody else's things they put in their mouth, do not put things others already touched in you mouth matter of fact do not put your body parts in your mouth until you washed your hands.

Explain the various ways in which the skin can serve to regulate an organism's temperature?

The skin helps regulate temperature through processes like sweating, where sweat evaporates to cool the body, and vasoconstriction or vasodilation to retain or release heat respectively. Hair on the skin can also trap heat close to the body or help cool by creating a layer of air for insulation. Additionally, shivering can generate heat in response to cold temperatures.

How do camels cool down?

Camels cool down in various ways. For instance, they have the ability to fluctuate their body temperature which will help in the cooling down of the body.

Proper ways of caring for the nose?

Proper ways to care for your nose include keeping it clean by washing it regularly with mild soap and water, avoiding picking or rubbing it excessively, and using a humidifier to keep the air moist. Additionally, staying hydrated, avoiding irritants like smoke or strong odors, and seeking medical attention if you have persistent nasal issues are also important for nose care.

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There are various ways to find good deals on cheap books. Amazon offers very good prices, Library sales are a good way to go, Barnes n Noble sometimes has decent sales, yard sales, ect.

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