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Q: What are the three factors that can contribute to the credibility to the source?
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What are three factors that could contribute to the credibility of a source?

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What are the three factors of credibility?

The three factors of credibility are expertise (knowledge and skills in a specific area), trustworthiness (reliability and honesty), and goodwill (care for others' welfare and intentions). These factors are essential for building trust and credibility in communication and relationships.

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Three factors that contribute to effective listening are being present in the moment, demonstrating empathy and understanding, and asking clarifying questions to ensure comprehension.

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three factors that contribute to an improvement of the standard of living are: 1~greater income for the country by means of the country's produce an trading 2~better education 3~higher quality of health

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The three types of credibility for a speech are initial credibility (based on the speaker's reputation and qualifications), derived credibility (built through the speaker's presentation and content), and terminal credibility (final impression of the speaker's credibility after the speech).

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Food Source, Water Source, and Mortality Rate

What are the three parts to a good annotation?

Summary: Briefly describe the main points or arguments of the source. Evaluation: Analyze the credibility, relevance, and quality of the source. Reflection: Connect the source to your research or thesis, and explain how it contributes to your understanding of the topic.

What are three factors that contribute to the accuracy of sensory data?

Three factors that contribute to the accuracy of sensory data are the sensitivity of the sensory receptors, the conditions under which the sensory data is obtained (such as lighting or noise levels), and the individual's past experiences and expectations that may influence their perception.